Friday, June 20, 2008


As of Monday I no longer have dizziness! It was only when I laid flat and turned my head to one side. The fact that's it's gone is a good thing, still not sure what it means in the whole scheme of things. I had gone to Physical Therapy on Wednesday and my PT told me to go home, since I was no longer dizzy, yeah! I do have another appointment next week to follow up though. I also have an appointment with an ENT Doctor in early July. Apparently he's pretty booked, I wasn't able to get myself in on my own until the end of July. My Doctor's office was able to get me in sooner. I'm anxious for that appointment, since he's more experienced with the symptoms I've had and what my MRI showed. I look forward to hearing what he has to say and learning more about what has been going on. I continue to take antibiotics twice a day for another 2 weeks. I'm taking acidophiles because I'm taking the antibiotics for so long.

Our summer has been going good. My son has been taking swimming lessons and has been progressing well. Our temperatures are around 112 degrees these days, yuck. Not much activity going on outside anywhere around here unless you are in a pool. The Junior High Schools in our city have pools that open to the public. They have water slides and other cool features at them that the kids love. There are also the water parks we can go to, but the costs at the Jr. Highs are only $1-$1.50 a day so that is a much more affordable option. With gas at it's all time high, the schools are also closer. We don't have an in ground pool at home but rather an above ground. We drain it after the summer is over so we don't have year round maintenance. It's a really good one that was pretty pricey when we bought it way back when. The sides are soft and supposedly you can drive a truck into it and not knock it over. It's a good way to stay cool. My son can actually touch bottom this year, he's pretty excited about that.

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