Monday, August 25, 2008

Where Did August Go?

My little guy in the air :D

Happy Hamsters :D
My son likes to dance :D

I can't believe two weeks have gone by since my last post! I have been working as a playground aide at my son's school. I only work a whole 1 1/2 hours a day, but in 100+ degree weather, with added humidity lately that we've been having, I am really drippy when I get home just before Lunch. It really zaps a lot out of you, especially when we are so spoiled with A/C everywhere you go around here. My heart goes out to the people around here that work outside 40 hours a week! I'm sure you get used to it, I've only been doing this for 2 weeks, I don't want to get to used to it. I'm counting on the weather cooling down a bit. Or at least the humidity going away!

The kids LOVE school and I am happy with their teachers, all 7 of them. Since my daughter is in Jr. High she has obviously lots of teachers. My husband and I went to her school's open house last week and walked in her footsteps to each class. We were late to two classes :( I told my husband to stay out of the halls and walk outside! :)

My son's teacher is wonderful, she is great with the children and really loves her job. She only works half days because she to has young ones at home, a teacher after my own heart. My son has made some new friends as has my daughter. One of my son's homework projects was to make something showing his favorite things. I took pictures of him with his favorite things. One thing he said he liked was to dance so here's that pic of him.

My son is involved in Basketball for the first time, it's through one of the local Churches. We like the way they promote good sportsmanship. They work on developing the kids skills and character rather than it being all about the win. He's enjoying that, especially since he gets to see two of his best buds twice a week!

Right now I am hearing thunder as I post. Could I get some sweet relief from this humidity? It's pretty sunny out, kinda weird, we'll see what happens. When I was a little girl I'd call them sun showers, anyone remember saying that?

My husband and the kids bought the hamsters (Dexter & Maford) a new wheel that attaches to the outside of their cage. We have removable holes in the cage, so once they are removed you can attach the wheel. They love their new wheel, since we had to take their other one out. It caused a big racket, especially when the kids had gone to bed and the house was quiet. So I bought a ball, but they had to be put into it and taken out. We found them behind the couch one day, not good. Plus I think the ball is kinda gross, they do their business in there! It can come out of the little holes, it doesn't smell to good. This new wheel actually has a catch tray below it! What a great idea! This wheel still makes some noise but it just sounds like coffee brewing in a coffee maker. I can handle that, except It makes me think about coffee late at night. Well as long as I don't act on that thought everybody gets a good nights sleep.

I am on a Walton's kick all of a sudden. I watched it for the first time in awhile the other day on the Hallmark channel. The theme song gives me warm fuzzies :) It made me think that my kids don't have any shows like this these days. I think I'll look into getting them on DVD or VHS. For some reason I'd rather they start from season one. The shows currently on the Hallmark channel are 4 or 5 years into the show. Unless maybe if I wait long enough, they may start to air them from the beginning again. At 2 a day for 5 days that may be sooner than I think.

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