Sunday, November 16, 2008

My Baby turns 13!

My daughter turned 13, WOW a teenager I can't believe it! I know I am about a month behind in posting that. I had some technical difficulty with some pictures that were taken on our video camera for a previous post. I chose not to use them, we are camera snobs I guess, the quality didn't meet our expectations. For a video camera though it works great. So back to my daughter's Birthday, I would have loved to do a party since she was crossing over to teenage hood but she had ideas of her own. She wanted to go to the Mall with a friend and then her friend slept over. She had received some money and gift cards for her Birthday and it was burning a hole in her pocket. She loves clothes, and she's a smart shopper for the most part, looks to find the most for her money. She was very generous with her money and bought some things for her friend. I was proud of her and her generosity. The day after she and I went and got our nails done at a salon. She wanted zebra stripes and the lady did a pretty good job at granting her request. A few days before all of this was her actual Birthday. She asked for a Giant Birthday cookie, with red and green lettering. Peace signs are back in again and she really liked them so it seemed appropriate to decorate her cookie with them. We had close friends and family over to celebrate since her Birthday fell during the week this year. Side not on the cookie, I learned a big lesson about how much cookie dough to use and how close to the edge you shouldn't get, can you tell what may have happened?? Cookie was growing and falling off the cookie sheet. No problem though other than wasted cookie dough, I just cut the edges neatly and all was well. My oven however was a big mess.

The reality that she'll finish school in 5 years has hit us. Time goes so fast, you have to make it last and enjoy the journey. Once they are gone, that time can't be taken back. Before you know it your children are grown up and gone in the blink of an eye.

We are having struggles with boys right now. I'll say she has a healthy appreciation for the opposite sex and the feeling is mutual. There is so much attention though that it has become a big distraction. She knows she cannot date yet, however at this age they choose to pair up and call it "going out" even though they go no where together. A parent only has so much control with these things. They may talk on the phone but that's it. Oh it's only the beginning, we've already had talks about her not giving her heart away to every boy that comes along. Hang out in groups of friends, get to know a boy before you commit. We've talked about the gift she will give her husband on her wedding night... All seeds planted for what is to come. Most important, we pray, HARD!

1 comment:

Donetta said...

Time is flying! Man it goes so fast. Dove is having a hard time with flossing her braces are a problem.