Saturday, May 24, 2008

Schools out for summer!

Wow it's been a hectic couple of weeks. School ended this week. My son's last week consisted of a special activity every day. First there was water day they had a hose attached to the corkscrew slide with a rectangle pool at the bottom. They had a sprinkler and a couple of little pools scattered on the playground, which is covered with sand. They had an area where they could blow bubbles. That was a fun day. The next day was ice cream day, they made ice cream in baggies, cool! Then they had a read over day instead of sleep over.... My daughter and her friend came into the class and read a couple of books. This is the first and last year they will be together at school, since there is a 7 year age difference between them. It was a special treat to have sister come in and read. On the last day of school it was game day. We had about 5 games going I think, I was in charge of the "Don't wake Daddy" game. That was a fun one, never played it before, I think we'll have to get one.

For my daughter it was her last year in Elementary school (sniff, sniff) I'm not sure who this has been harder on? I am thinking thoughts of how she'll never have a playground at her school again.... This ends an era of elementary school. My baby is growing up fast. At her school the kids are divided for Jr. High, half go to one school and half to another. That is sad since some feel they will not see each other again. They will, but not on a daily basis at school as they are used to. So her final week they had a promotion ceremony where they sung a really cute song to the tune of the Lion Sleeps tonight, but it was specific to them and the activities they have done, what they learned and their teachers, it was really cute. The theme was out of 6th grade and into the Wild, thus a jungle theme. Each child came up and received from their teacher his or her promotion certificate complete with a graduation picture with cap and gown. I'd post that photo, but my daughter isn't particularly fond of how it turned out. Taken the day after we returned from Sea World. She can keep it as a memory.... :) Afterwards they snacked on what else but, animal crackers and punch. That was one day before school was over, so on the last day the 6th grade went bowling. After school was out it was very emotional. Lots of tears and hugs because of the great divide I spoke of. Now we are into our "summer".

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