Monday, May 5, 2008

Who's the "lucky" one?

Today my son and I took my Mom to Wal-mart, she is home bound and needed some groceries. We went after my son had gotten home from school. While we were at the checkout the cashier asked if my son was in school. I said he was and that he went in the morning. She said "my daughter got lucky, hers goes all day". I'm sad to think this woman feels her daughter is the "lucky one". I personally consider myself to be so blessed. It won't be long before my son will be in school all day, there won't be a choice, he'll grow up and he'll get married and leave home. What exactly is the rush to get him out of the house? Some day he'll be gone and the house will be empty, these moments will never be again. I know we have our moments, but the good ones far out weigh the not so good. I know I'm blowing this way out of the water, one tiny little comment. It's not the first time though, so I felt I had to vent. So many times I hear similar comments. I choose to have my son go to school half day. Next year he'll be in Kindergarten and I had the option of full day but chose half day once again. I am so thankful for this option. His current teacher says she wishes more parents would do the half a day K-5 option because kids have no business being in school all day at that age. Let them be kids and let them play she says. If it is an option, and so many times it is but people aren't willing to make the sacrifice. I want to spend time with him because time goes by so fast and I want to enjoy him while he's little. On the way home from Wal-mart my son was talking to me and asking where heaven was. He asked if it was above the clouds. I said we don't really know where it is but I'm guessing it's above the clouds somewhere. He said, well Daddy and I can build a rocket ship, he's got lots of wood and then they will know where heaven is. After that he said they could also build a tall ladder. I said, I need to tell you the story of the tower of Babel :) I love having these sweet little chats with him. Had I been so "lucky" as this woman spoke of, I wouldn't have had the opportunity to hear my son talk about these things, he'd be at school. These are precious times and I am blessed to share them with him.


Anonymous said...

Oh, I can so relate! My daughter is 10 and the years have flown by! I sent her to pre-K at 5 because I wasn't quite ready to let go...then half-day Kindergarten the next year... then I still wasn't ready to send her off, so I homeschool! Lol. Sure, there are days - when I wish she'd quit talking!! (or at least take a breath, lol!) But I wouldn't trade it for the world. It's the best job ever.

Your photos are gorgeous! I love taking pictures, but mine are just lil' snapshots.

Thanks for dropping by my blog!

Donetta said...

Oh you are so right.
Thank you for the card today. Happy Mothers day dear one.