Wednesday, January 9, 2008

My son's favorite present

My 5 year old son got a Power Wheels Quad for Christmas from Grandma. He LOVES it and rides it daily around our yard. When my daughter was about his age Grandma had given her a Barbie Jeep. She really enjoyed that and even though she's 12, she can ride this quad! We have a large yard that is mostly grass with some rocks and concrete and he rides it and rides it all around the yard, sister does too ;) Here in the picture he's taking his buddy for a spin. They didn't have anything like this when I was a kid. I guess we did have things that had to be powered by our own little legs. I had a fire engine and I also had a pony that had wheels under his legs. My cousins had a Big Wheel and that was pretty cool.


Anonymous said...

Awesome picture....very cute!!

Donetta said...

Dash had so much fun on it today. Thank you for the great day.