Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Science Fair Project Complete!

My daughter had a Science Fair Project due today. We are ALL last minute people here. We milk life for all it's got and then reap the consequences later ;) For the past several days we've been helping her to complete the project. The thought was to do a Pinhole Camera made from an Oatmeal container. I had done this in Art class back in Jr. High. On a side note there, my daughter will be in Jr. High next year and they actually have photo classes and darkrooms in Jr. High now! It's been a little while since I've been in Jr. High. I have thoughts of going back to Jr. High :) We toured the classrooms last week and they have so many cool classes I was so excited for her. So back to the Science Project. My daughter and husband constructed the "Camera" together this weekend. Thanks to our love of photography, ours and Grandpa's, we had all the supplies we needed to provide photo paper and chemicals to make a darkroom in our bathroom. What's a Pinhole Camera without being able to process the film. Otherwise you'd have to take it to a professional lab. A one hour photo wouldn't be able to handle this. So once the Camera was constructed, the photos could be taken. Each piece of photo paper had to be loaded in the dark into the camera. It was a labor some task for the two of them. In order for the photos to be taken the subject had to stay still for 20-60 seconds depending on the light source. All photos had to be taken outside. Once they were finished, the darkroom was created. The four of us went up to the bathroom and had to witness the magic of the developing process. The photos first are a negative image on the photo paper then they are sandwiched together with another piece of photo paper to make the contact print which then looks more like a black and white photo. They did 6-7 shots and they came out pretty well considering they were taken with an Oatmeal container. Then yesterday the task of putting together the info. then onto the display board. Finally it's all done and ready to turn in. I think it turned out really well and was a great learning experience for my daughter.


Raelyn said...

Emily - we just saw your science project and were very impressed. You did an excellent job. Raelyn (a friend of your moms)

Donetta said...

This is so cool! How awesome it is to see this passion passed down!
I am sure she will get an A+ on this one. She sure aught too.

Unknown said...

What fun.

I have something for you.