Wednesday, April 30, 2008

We're Back!

So much has happened in the past few days! Be sure to read the other Sea World post first. I caught a stomach bug, my son also ended up having a double ear infection and a sinus infection. He ran that fever then was fine then WHAM. I believe that there can be spiritual warfare against us because God's word says in the book of Ephesians 6:10-12 - "Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. Put on the full armor of God so that you can take your stand against the devil's schemes. For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms." I believe that the enemy, satan, can and will try to mess with the plans that may be layed out for us. I look at this as many attempts to get me to back out. Instead I prayed and walked through it all, I would not back down. My husband ended up taking a much needed break from work and stayed home Monday, so my son could come home and take it easy after his couple of hours in school. He was on antibiotics and was allowed to go to school as long as he wasn't running a temp. So he went and had a couple hours of fun with his friends. Otherwise the original plan may have worn on him to much. God works in mysterious ways, my husband really did need a break..... I got on the Bus and felt totally fine. It also wasn't "that time of the month" :) until today, the day after! I know you didn't really think you needed to hear that, but to hear how much God loves us and answers our prayers, you needed to hear it. Also, no pre-headache yesterday. All was well, we had a great time.

When we arrived at Sea World we had some free time before the classes started. We wandered around for a couple of hours then went and participated in some classes. We learned about sharks, rays, animal trainers etc... they played games, made a shark tooth necklace had a lovely buffet dinner in an area that looked like Gilligan's Island and had a wonderful night. The next morning up at 6:30 to pack up and get ready for some more behind the scenes at Sea World. They fed the Seals, the rays and ate breakfast with the whales. That was a beautiful experience. Afterwards more free time in the park where the kids attempted to get as wet as they possibly could by going back and forth between the rapids ride and the Atlantis water roller coaster. Together with standing at the bottom of the Atlantis ride and getting splashed each time the coaster came down from the huge drop. I took a million pictures of kids in lime green shirts. They gave us these shirts to identify us as "Camp Sea World" participants. So every time I saw green shirts coming down Atlantis I had to capture the moments, while awaiting my daughter and her friends taking just one more ride about 4 or 5 times :) The weather wasn't quite what was forecast. It was pretty toasty both days, for California in April that's a rarety. We left in the afternoon and were home by late evening. During the trip I met some new friends and it was great to witness the bonding experience for the kids, also as many of them as there were, so many know one another. This was an experience they won't soon forget, nor will I. Today a new day begins and back to school and somewhat normal we go. Thank you God for an awesome trip, you were with us all the way!

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