Friday, November 9, 2007

Laminate Flooring to go here

Last night we bought Laminate flooring! I'm so excited about getting it put into the dining room. I think it will look awesome. We hope to put it in tomorrow after our garage sale. Then we will move our table and chairs into that room. We have them in an eat in kitchen area but it's just a bit too crowded. We may replace that with a air hockey table since it's just beside the family room. The move will give us more space to walk around the table, especially when we have guests. I'm posting the "before" pic. and then of course I'll post the after. The window up above is so awesome, in the photo it's still dark early morning but the natural light that comes in is great. That fixture that is hanging will be painted black or replaced completely eventually. All white fixtures must be banished from my kingdom :) Anyways, it's taken us a couple of weeks to pick out just the right color and texture. We thought we'd made a decision the other day but changed our minds. Last night we ended up purchasing it at Lowe's. I told my husband we are anal :) we are just so darn picky. Does it have the right texture? Is it just the right color? Does it match or compliment the other wood in the room? How about the wood banister going upstairs, not that it's anywhere near it. Then the printing terms from both our past come in, are the colors "registered"? Meaning do they line up, because of course laminate flooring is just made to look like wood, did they do a good job making it. How thick is it, because we have a thicker padding under our carpet that will butt up to it. Can the dogs nails or my son's toys scratch it? Do the key test and try to scratch it. How about the warranty, is it for 10 years, that's not long enough, even though we may no longer be in our house 7 years from now. The floor has to out last us. So we bought flooring with a 25 year warranty. I'm sure the future owners of our home will be thankful :) I'll be 67 by then :) We are to funny, I told my husband we make quite a pair :) Our children were so patient with us last night, I couldn't believe it. We went from Home Depot to Lowe's with thoughts of going back to Home Depot. In that time we did run into some friends from our past, they actually live behind us but we only see them about once a year. Along the way our daughter thought an elderly man was stalking us, don't think so though but we appreciate her being on the look out. So we now have it "acclimating" to our room, see there it is in the picture, all 6 boxes of it. We wanted to have the room finished for Thanksgiving dinner, nice goal don't you think? We've been in our house for 6 months now. Our goal is to have our 1st floor completed, possibly with the exception of paint. The carpeting from the dining room actually went up into my daughter's room. Her carpet didn't match the rest of the upstairs. My husband and father-in-law did a meticulous job removing and installing. The upstairs is near completion also with the exception of paint and the "loft" which now looks like a twister went through it. My daughter's room, with the exception of her bed is out there now due to the carpet having been installed. Still waiting for a vision though on the loft. We want to keep cost down so my husband will custom make our Art/Craft work area up there. It's fun to see this all come together. It's funny to think I wrote all this about Laminate floors, LOL.

1 comment:

Donetta said...

Oh you are going to love it! Your house will be so fun with a dining room! I hope you have a great time tonight. I look forward to coming back by.