My husband and I have given some thought to our vacation destination desires. We've decided that we want to go to Sequoia National Park, the Monterey area by the coast and San Francisco. We have 9 days to see the sites. Normally I am a planner, I like to know where I'm going and where I'll be staying. My husband urges me this time we may have to let that go. Our trip may be better enjoyed without the constraints of a time table. I tend to agree, but it's still hard leaving it all up in the air. Light walking a tightrope without a net! I feel urged to pray about this that God would lead us to the best places. After all he knows our hearts and what we like we'll just let him be our travel guide. Rather than having a plan, we will see where we end up. I am reminded of our trip to Zion National Park in Utah. We couldn't plan that particular night, believe me I had all the others taken care of. We found one of the most memorable places that we've stayed. The accommodations were satisfactory, but what stands out is the hotel was connected to the "Bumbleberry Inn" restaurant. This was a sweet little non-chain type place in a very quaint area. We even found it in the dark, we were surprised at daylight.
We've put our travel trailer search on hold until we return. School will be starting just after we return. We need to plan for our trip and the start of school now. We'll resume the trailer search when we return. One thing we have determined is that my husband and I need a queen sized bed, open on both sides. He's real tall and would be uncomfortable in anything less.
I have a new appreciation for "dry heat". I almost forgot what humidity felt like! WOW it's been humid here lately, yuck! Not pleasant at all, especially when you are looking for a trailer. I am thankful for dry heat instead of humidity.
Monday, July 30, 2007
Planning our Vacation etc...
Saturday, July 28, 2007
VACATION and other ventures
We had been planning on taking a vacation the 2nd week of August. That was until my husbands boss said, he wouldn't be accepting any vacation requests. NO WAY! you've got to be kidding me. Vacations have always been a part of our summer, all my life! The reason for his announcement was that there were deadlines that had to be met. I can appreciate this but all work and no play, makes dull boys though don't ya know? My honey needs to recharge. I knew the only way to change this man's mind was to pray. I asked God to change his heart about the vacation request. Yesterday my husband told me he'd asked him to e-mail him the request!!!!! It's almost in the bag. THANK YOU GOD!
The first thing that had come to mind was to sing the "Go go's song VACATION." If you have the desire to hear it, see the bottom of my Blog. Vacation all I ever wanted, vacation have to get away.... (not the rest of the words, they don't apply :)
On such short notice, we will have to plan quickly. We will be leaving a week from today! Unfortunately we won't be able to fly anywhere this late in the game unless a deal awaits us. We will have to do some brainstorming. We live in such a centrally located place the possibilities are plenty. We will be leaving the state, that we know. I look forward to this upcoming adventure with anticipation. We will get back just before school begins. We will all be refreshed.
Last night we ventured out a bit. My daughter and I hadn't been feeling to well earlier in the day. When my husband got home, we paid and reserved a spot to park our future RV! It will only cost us, what works out to be $30 a month. That is an awesome deal here. Then we went to look at a trailer. It was really nice and we thought it would fit our family well. There is a bed in the back with a bunk above and a couch up front that also converts to a bed. The dinette also converts to a bed. There is a bathroom, toilet, sink, and shower separate, Janet. I have a dear friend in Florida that lived in a trailer while going to College. She lived in it during the week, since she otherwise would have had to commute from Clearwater to Tampa. I LOVED that trailer, I thought it was so cool. You know at that age you think LUCKY! I want to live here.... It was spacious really, it was the type you could drive. There was a bed above the cab. I did sleep over there, we had fun. I remember the only complaint she had was that the shower was the bathroom all in one. So Janet yes as I said the tub/shower is all by itself :) We haven't bought this one yet that we looked at. My husband wants to think it over. He grounds me, because I usually skip that part. We compliment each other well that way.
Thursday, July 26, 2007
Noon time madness
As it neared noon I was feeling horrible. It's "that time of the month" and I was feeling extra yucky. I can actually say the worst it's been ever. I have a pretty high tolerance for pain. I had to take 800 mg. of Ibuprofen. I could hardly stand up straight.
I had to use the restroom and I prayed as I did, to make the pain pass, please God. Probably more than you care to know..... I'm being real here though. Are you begining to think my blog sounds a bit like reality TV? LOL, anyways, upon completion of my "task", I flushed and didn't hear the usual sound, that you know all is gone on to another place. I flushed again, the toilet overflowed over the brim! It was only water, but still. GREAT it couldn't get any worse than that at that moment! I quickly shut the valve off and started to clean up as quick as I could move. I did not want the water to spread. Thankfully this is my small, downstairs, 1/2 bathroom. I was able to contain the water and get it soaked up. I had planned on going grocery shopping in the morning, but just couldn't bring myself to doing it. Now I had NO cleaner to sanitize with, I accidentally ran out. Little miss calculation of my supplies. Oh well, I just kind of closed up the bathroom and we'll get to clean up soon. After all was said and done, I'm now feeling BETTER! I think I'm almost ready to go to the grocery store now. Not a fun noon time, but there's still hours left. It can only get better from here, it will.
Monopoly last night
Last night we played Sponge Bob Monopoly for a couple of hours. We had fun family time sitting around the kitchen table. I realized it was probably the first time I had played Monopoly with my husband! We've been together for 17 years and have never gotten around to playing it. We have played other board games, but never Monopoly. It's hard to believe all the time as passed and no Monopoly. When we took the game out, I was impressed to see how nicely my daughter had put it away from prior play. She really took good care of it, I had to compliment her.
It's fun to watch my 4 year old son play. He wants to buy everything he lands on! He wants to be able to buy a pineapple. We had to do some reading for him along the way. He is a lot like Dad, he was buying everything up to. My daughter is the same way. I played auctioneer, whenever the player that landed on the spot didn't want that property, it went up for auction. My daughter was bent on getting "Grandma's House" had to have it. She beat Dad out on that one. The funny thing is, my 4 year old WON the game!!!!
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
One of my Summer Days
Yesterday and today I've been helping my daughter start her own Blog. It's been fun watching her be so creative with her own writings. She has watched Mom do her Blog and read others, Mrs. J's in particular and Mrs. G's plus children. She's been inspired to do her own.
Right now the kids are shouting for joy, it's raining! We are finally into our "monsoon season". No more dry desert. They are chanting "rain more, rain more" they want to go out and walk the yard in the rain. They are looking for an umbrella as I am writing. They are plotting what they will do in the rain. They couldn't find the umbrella so they went to their closets. They chose winter coats to wear! One has a hood the other wears a hat. Anything to keep dry I guess they thought. Too funny watching this. What a treat for them, children living in the desert.
We've been playing board games more and more these days. That encourages playing together instead of playing alone. There is so much peace in our house when the two children are playing a board game together! It's fun to play as a family as well. Now they want The game of Life, Sponge Bob version. I've read reviews that it is geared more toward young children. I remember having The game of Life and never actually playing it. The directions seemed to complicated. I am more hands on and if there are a bunch of rules and regulations, I'd just a soon not play. So it sounds like we may venture out to find this other version of Life later. Not until the kids have had their time in the rain.
I'm sadden sometimes to think yet as another year passes playing in the rain may not be as fun to them. Each year they grow and mature and someday they will not think as they do as children. I pray they will always have hearts like children. That rain can always make their face light up. That they will always love playing in the snow too.
The accident that almost happened
I took my daughter to the Doctor yesterday for routine immunizations. On the way home, we were stopped behind some cars waiting to turn. All of a sudden we felt we'd been bumped. I wouldn't say hit, just bumped. I hopped out of my SUV and walked to the rear. The man remained in his car, not even making any attempt to get out to assess damage he may have caused. I asked him "did you just hit me?", what else could I say? He responded that he did and he was sorry. Might I add this was during a dust storm. It was pretty windy out. My daughter was left in the car. He seemed nice enough, but then the thoughts went through my head. All those e-mail forwards we receive. If someone rear ends you, they may be trying to get you out of the car.... He seems like a nice enough guy though, even though he was still sitting in his car. So then I assessed the area where the damage would be. Thinking in the back of my mind, don't get between the two cars, who knows what could happen. So I saw there was no damage, he probably just hit my hitch that extends out, not sure why? Didn't he see that I was stopped? Maybe he wasn't paying attention. OK so no damage here, I have a cross hanging around my neck. It would be nice of me to just let him go. So I said OK looks like no damage and went on my way. Had there actually been damage it would have been another story. It seems as we drove along he wouldn't pass me. I had the thought that we should at least get a license plate number, just in case, maybe there was unseen damage. He still lagged behind as slow as I drove. Finally he speeds up and then got between some cars. We tried our best to get the numbers. Then he turned into a neighborhood, quickly my daughter jot down the letters and numbers. She thought I should follow, I thought that would really look like we were in fact following. So we just went on home. My husband looked over the SUV, it didn't look like any damage had been done. Just one of those things to make the day a little more eventful. I'm just being honest with my thoughts here. I'm sure these are the same thoughts you have had also. Oh what goes on in the mind at such a time.
Monday, July 23, 2007
Sunday, July 22, 2007
Precious Moments
I have some little people with fine hair and rosy cheeks,
They giggle and they squeal quite as often as they speak,
They climb on me each morning and chase me through the day
Asking lots of questions and begging me to play.
It's easy to get busy with the things I need to do
Forgetting that their playful days are fleeting and too few
O, Lord, please help me notice what's important and what's not,
To cherish precious moments and to mother as I ought.
Please keep me from distractions that would rob me of the joy
That you have planned to give me through my precious girls and boys.
Please help me teach them of Your ways, this is my highest aim,
I long to see my children live to glorify Your name.
O, help me be the model that would draw them to Your throne,
Let me make for them a haven that would turn their hearts to home,
And in these fast and fleeting years, please help me not to miss
The treasures that you give me in each cuddle and each kiss.
When I am old and looking back at every blessed year
I will rejoice that I was there to share each joy and tear.
By Val Hallaran,
Live Oak, Florida, USA.
Cleansing Rain!
Finally the rains have come to our dry land. We have waited so long to see rain again. We'd almost forgotten what it looked like, felt like, smelt like. It amazes me that we have no water restrictions or shortages here. We have become so accustom to not carrying an umbrella or even thinking of rescheduling events due to them being rained out. It's always sunny here, if we hung clothes out on a line, does anyone do that anymore? we wouldn't have to bring it in. You get the point, it doesn't rain much here. It has become so hot and dry here lately that the rain was welcomed with open arms. It was almost as if we were a boiling pot and we finally came to a boil and we taken off the burner to cool down when the rain came. Coming from Florida (uhhh not the "Sunshine State" really) I love the fact that we don't see rain here everyday at 4:00 like clockwork.
My daughter and I prayed for rain yesterday. We first heard the rain in Circuit City while shopping, unfamiliar with the sound of rain pounding on the roof, we questioned what we were hearing. Upon investigation we came to find out it was in fact the rain. Now what do we do? it was check out time. The gallant King and Prince went to get our truck for us, since we were totally unprepared. As we climbed in, the rain stopped long enough for the Queen and Princess to enter their coach then it came again full force.
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
Still have some issues.....why I need Jesus
I took my daughter and a friend skating last night. Upon arrival I scouted out a table to camp at. I found one, it was rather large but I was willing to share, if politely asked to do so. Low and behold moments later, a woman and her 2 older children plopped down at it. Not a word said, no permission for access granted. This is Christian Night people! Should I say something, should I not? Could she be a Christian if she is apparently so rude? Maybe God hasn't dealt with her in this area yet? Oh the things that can go through the mind at such a time. I was determined to stand my ground and not be moved. As time passed more came, her friends, they just came and sat. The woman and I spoke for a moment previous but it was only about the drinks at the snack bar. The invasion continued, how many people could fit at this table? I kept spreading our things around so that I could take control of our territory. When the girls came back to the table to sit, where would they? We squeezed in, but uncomfortably. Never did I say a word about it, neither did she. I stood my ground until the end and then we left. Jesus I need your help with this one, as always, I need your help! Are you laughing yet or praying for me?
Wednesday, July 4, 2007
Dreaming of cool places on hot days
A few years back we took a trip up to Yellowstone. On the way back we went to the Grand Tetons. This is one of my favorite photos of the Grand Tetons. I look forward to visiting this beautiful place again one day.
The 4th of July
I must admit I'm not so good about keeping up with this blog. I must be better about it because I do enjoy it.
We had thoughts of going out of town today. We thought we'd go in search of more bearable temps. It is supposed to be 117 in the desert today! Going outside in the heat to watch fireworks has never sounded more horrible. We looked at the forecasts around the state and even they aren't having much better weather. So we have decided to stay at home today. We are still getting settled into our new home. Plenty to do to make our house a home. We will venture out in the comforts of our vehicle to watch the fireworks just before they go off. Can't withhold from the kids the joy of seeing fireworks. They are always so beautiful. Happy 4th of July.
Thank God for our freedom!