Thursday, July 26, 2007

Noon time madness

As it neared noon I was feeling horrible. It's "that time of the month" and I was feeling extra yucky. I can actually say the worst it's been ever. I have a pretty high tolerance for pain. I had to take 800 mg. of Ibuprofen. I could hardly stand up straight.
I had to use the restroom and I prayed as I did, to make the pain pass, please God. Probably more than you care to know..... I'm being real here though. Are you begining to think my blog sounds a bit like reality TV? LOL, anyways, upon completion of my "task", I flushed and didn't hear the usual sound, that you know all is gone on to another place. I flushed again, the toilet overflowed over the brim! It was only water, but still. GREAT it couldn't get any worse than that at that moment! I quickly shut the valve off and started to clean up as quick as I could move. I did not want the water to spread. Thankfully this is my small, downstairs, 1/2 bathroom. I was able to contain the water and get it soaked up. I had planned on going grocery shopping in the morning, but just couldn't bring myself to doing it. Now I had NO cleaner to sanitize with, I accidentally ran out. Little miss calculation of my supplies. Oh well, I just kind of closed up the bathroom and we'll get to clean up soon. After all was said and done, I'm now feeling BETTER! I think I'm almost ready to go to the grocery store now. Not a fun noon time, but there's still hours left. It can only get better from here, it will.

1 comment:

Donetta said...

I hope that you rest well. Love you sweetie.