Tuesday, July 24, 2007

The accident that almost happened

I took my daughter to the Doctor yesterday for routine immunizations. On the way home, we were stopped behind some cars waiting to turn. All of a sudden we felt we'd been bumped. I wouldn't say hit, just bumped. I hopped out of my SUV and walked to the rear. The man remained in his car, not even making any attempt to get out to assess damage he may have caused. I asked him "did you just hit me?", what else could I say? He responded that he did and he was sorry. Might I add this was during a dust storm. It was pretty windy out. My daughter was left in the car. He seemed nice enough, but then the thoughts went through my head. All those e-mail forwards we receive. If someone rear ends you, they may be trying to get you out of the car.... He seems like a nice enough guy though, even though he was still sitting in his car. So then I assessed the area where the damage would be. Thinking in the back of my mind, don't get between the two cars, who knows what could happen. So I saw there was no damage, he probably just hit my hitch that extends out, not sure why? Didn't he see that I was stopped? Maybe he wasn't paying attention. OK so no damage here, I have a cross hanging around my neck. It would be nice of me to just let him go. So I said OK looks like no damage and went on my way. Had there actually been damage it would have been another story. It seems as we drove along he wouldn't pass me. I had the thought that we should at least get a license plate number, just in case, maybe there was unseen damage. He still lagged behind as slow as I drove. Finally he speeds up and then got between some cars. We tried our best to get the numbers. Then he turned into a neighborhood, quickly my daughter jot down the letters and numbers. She thought I should follow, I thought that would really look like we were in fact following. So we just went on home. My husband looked over the SUV, it didn't look like any damage had been done. Just one of those things to make the day a little more eventful. I'm just being honest with my thoughts here. I'm sure these are the same thoughts you have had also. Oh what goes on in the mind at such a time.

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