Tuesday, July 24, 2007

One of my Summer Days

Yesterday and today I've been helping my daughter start her own Blog. It's been fun watching her be so creative with her own writings. She has watched Mom do her Blog and read others, Mrs. J's in particular and Mrs. G's plus children. She's been inspired to do her own.
Right now the kids are shouting for joy, it's raining! We are finally into our "monsoon season". No more dry desert. They are chanting "rain more, rain more" they want to go out and walk the yard in the rain. They are looking for an umbrella as I am writing. They are plotting what they will do in the rain. They couldn't find the umbrella so they went to their closets. They chose winter coats to wear! One has a hood the other wears a hat. Anything to keep dry I guess they thought. Too funny watching this. What a treat for them, children living in the desert.
We've been playing board games more and more these days. That encourages playing together instead of playing alone. There is so much peace in our house when the two children are playing a board game together! It's fun to play as a family as well. Now they want The game of Life, Sponge Bob version. I've read reviews that it is geared more toward young children. I remember having The game of Life and never actually playing it. The directions seemed to complicated. I am more hands on and if there are a bunch of rules and regulations, I'd just a soon not play. So it sounds like we may venture out to find this other version of Life later. Not until the kids have had their time in the rain.
I'm sadden sometimes to think yet as another year passes playing in the rain may not be as fun to them. Each year they grow and mature and someday they will not think as they do as children. I pray they will always have hearts like children. That rain can always make their face light up. That they will always love playing in the snow too.


Donetta said...

Hello, Welcome to my world of blog.

Donetta said...

Get your camera snappin' :)

Unknown said...

How fun to see that Emily is blogging.


Donetta said...

Come visit me I have a surprise for you. I hope your feeling better too.