Saturday, February 23, 2008

Feeling Nostalgic

I Love this picture! Me taking time to smell the roses.

Me catching some rays

Me & cousin Lori

My cousins Anthony, Mark, Lori, Sherri-Lynn, me and Barbara

My 3rd Birthday party & lots of family to celebrate (I'm the short one near the cake)

Me & my Daddy

I caught up with my cousin Lisa this morning. She lives way back east and I'm in the west. We are a whole country apart. It was so nice talking to her. I felt nostalgic, we both wished we all could be closer. We talked about how nice it was growing up, to be surrounded by cousins and Aunts and Uncles. My Dad was one of 5 brothers and 2 sisters. I think all together there was around 16 kids, not that all of us were near the same age. Half of us were close in age. We all saw each other so often, Birthdays, Holidays and lots of in between. For the girls, we had another cousin that owned a Dance Studio and we would take dance lessons together. We were in a couple of recitals. I wonder if "family" still exists? Or are we as a nation becoming to busy to get together with family? I know we make time for our immediate families but how about the rest of the "family"? Someday I'd love to have or be a part of organizing a family reunion, maybe within the next couple of years if everybody may be willing. It would be so nice to see the cousins and their children! My Mom and Lisa's are the only Aunts left sadly. All of the brothers have passed. I think about how my children don't know what it's like to be surrounded by Aunts & Uncles and lots of cousins. It would be nice to introduce them to the family. Thinking about family I thought it would be fun to post some old pictures. I actually had to take pictures of these pictures, they came out pretty good considering they were all taken back in the 60's.


Donetta said...

You have been tagged. Come play with me.
Love the hair! you are so coy and playful in that image. I love it!

Donetta said...

I miss that too. I wish my children had a family around them. I enjoyed the images. Do you have a scanner?

.............................................................................. said...

You write beautifully and your photography is amazing!

I loved your nostalgic photo's, you were a beautiful little girl and have grown to be a gorgeous woman with great hair!
You really should write childrens illustrated books, you have a great gift for both photography and writing.

Your Family is beautiful! The children are absolutely adorable. The love shines through that the four of you share together and that is very rare today. May your blessings always multiply and your love for each other continue forever.