Monday, January 12, 2009

The Moon was Huge tonight

My daughter and I went for a walk after dinner tonight. When we got home I looked down the street and saw a huge light coming over a house top. The moon was rising and it looked so close. I got out my camera, the picture doesn't do it justice, it looks more like a pea than the huge moon I saw. It actually looked as if it were at the end of the street. If you click on it, you can see it closer.


Donetta said...

Hay Sis, How are you?
I appreciate the codoos on the bread. Man it is so yummy! Everyone loved it, even the Mr.
He does look so intense.
I will be around by mid morning tomorrow. The kids both won students of the month, so there is s n assembly to honor those who achieved it. Dove even was elected to the student council and Dash finished up his stint just before Christmas.
So Dove was elected by her class to represent the 4th grade students in a session with the principle to answer "how can our school improve".

Donetta said...

you have been tagged.