Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Back to School..... and other thoughts

On Monday not only did my daughter go back to school, but my son went to school for the first time! This was a big change for me this year. For 2 hours and 45 minutes I am alone. What to do during that time? I am still trying to figure out the best way to budget my time wisely.

Both kids are enjoying school I am happy to report. The first day was a little bumpy for my little guy. He went into class without a hitch, all was well. At about 9:45 the nurse's office called to tell me he was there. He had thrown up! We have been having a heat advisory so I attribute it to a combo of the heat and maybe some first day jitters. They had gone outside to play for a little while, he plays pretty hard. He appeared calm and well on the outside when I dropped him off, but who knows how he felt on the inside. He may have been a little nervous. So we came home early on the first day. Yesterday was great, he went, he stayed, he had a good time!

My Time -Now back to me and what to do with my time. I have thought it is a good time to get those not so fun things done during this time. I want to have quality time with my son when he gets home. I also feel it's a good time for me to rejuvenate, great time to catch up with a friend on the phone. I have made plans with my dear friend from "A Life Uncommon" Blog to go walking at the mall on Monday. We both agree that some exercise would benefit us. I had been walking daily or doing water aerobics. The heat got to be too much and none the water aerobics classes are over. We've even gone on to make a date for Wednesday too! We are penciling in for the following week. I think that will be great to get out and walk in the nice cool mall with a dear friend. Our husbands will be happy to know we are going before the stores open and will leave, due to my need to pick up my son, just as the stores open :)

Food Allergy -I have been having some worries about my son's food allergy at school. I keep letting go and giving it to God, then I worry and I have to give it back to Him again. I know God wants to take care of my son when He's out of my sight, after all he's always watching over him. It has made me nervous to think all the people he will come in contact with, that may not know of his Tree Nut allergy, or what to avoid or how to handle an anaphylaxis reaction. He has to have a Epinephrine pen nearby always. Thank God we've never had to use it. I pray we never will, and that he out grows his allergy. I have been busy making up picture cards showing my son and his allergy, the possible symptoms....per the nurses request, so each place he may be will be informed. There's the library, gym class, art, music.....I cannot let worry get the best of me. My son is a smart little boy and has been educated about his allergy and it's severity. A friend told me this may be my journey to help others be more aware. I am noticing there is a lack of resources as for creating cards as I did. They have cards to bring to restaurants and over seas but I couldn't find any for school. I will educated myself as well as others on this journey to bring awareness of food allergies.

1 comment:

Donetta said...

So looking forward to it. I did not have the cortisone injection today. I am looking into the series of injections that just might grow back cartilage.