Thursday, August 30, 2007

Thankful Thursday

I am thankful for clouds in the desert
I am thankful for the health of myself & family
I am thankful for dirty dishes, that means I have a family and we have food to eat
I am thankful for fingerprints on my sliding glass door because they come from my children, sometimes there is drool from the dog too :)
I am thankful for rest at the end of a event filled day
I am thankful for Thursday because it's followed by Friday and TGIF!
I'm thankful for the holiday weekend and 3 days with family
I'm thankful for the trust earned from my daughter that she can share most anything with me
I'm thankful for the overtime my husband is working, not for the money but rather because he's got a healthy body that can do the work
I'm thankful for all the love from family and friends!

1 comment:

Donetta said...

I am thankful there is you. I love you Lady ,check out some of the blog links on my page. Some really cool people.