Monday, August 20, 2007

Profound moments at the Carousel

This morning I was meeting a friend at the Mall to walk before store hours. We said we'd meet at the Carousel in the Food Court. As I waited, I thought about the Carousel, the Mall wasn't buzzing with people yet. I thought about how beautiful each of the horses were. It gave me time to think about which one was I most like. I know that sounds crazy, I just walked around it to see hmmmmmm which one would I choose. I found one! The mane was flowing and the body of it had roses on it. It looked a little like it had a slightly untamed, wild side :) Then my thoughts drifted to my children. How many times had they rode that carousel? How young were they? What were my earliest memories of their ride. Then I thought how fast they are growing up! How their days of riding the carousel will come to an end someday. Then it will become "embarrassing" to be seen on it. You know how kids think as they get older. What if so and so sees me. How I wish they never worried about what so and so thought! Be a kid as long as you can. I thought about the times when we said we didn't have the time or I didn't have the change and that made me sad..... So I bought each of them a token for the carousel, no excuses! The next time we go to the mall we will make time to ride on the carousel before we miss the chance. Children are only little and want to ride the carousel for a season.

1 comment:

Donetta said...

So true. I am glad you had some quiet moments to reflect.